
Manipulator Clothing stands for following your dream and not allowing yourself to get manipulated by the social norms in the world or the media. You should always be thinking about yourself and making decisions that will better yourself. Don’t let yourself waste your time on other useless activities that aren’t going to get you to where you need, make sure it follows the path that you would like and no one else. We are all capable of doing whatever we would like so make sure you take full advantage of it. Don’t get caught in a negative loop of life.

Manipulator Clothing supports people who are trying to fulfill there dream by spotlighting people who are doing what they enjoy the most. We will be spotlighting different people every week, offering downloads, links, or videos of the person who we are supporting. So make sure you come back to check out different spotlights!


Support Manipulator Clothing!

Photos by Mike Schmitt: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Schmitt-Photography/130417887127633

Designs done by Chris Dvus : http://www.iamdvus.com/

Founder: David Hudson