Spotlight #1 : Jovi

Jovi Portrait 2

Jovi, an underground artist from Cleveland, OH, is the first spotlight for Manipulator Clothing. His lyrics have very clever rhyme schemes and a lot of 90’s references. Often going back to some old school tracks to put his own flow on them, he also likes to mix it up with some new school. The song Start it Up, remixed by local producers Kush n Booz, he does exactly that. I also recommend going to his SoundCloud page and check out his song Again and Again where he just keeps rolling out the rhymes with no hesitation at all, and his remix that he does on the Bone Thugs and Harmony song Bud Smokers only, is just flawless and really showcases Jovi’s style perfectly.

The song below is just one of his many songs that you can find on his SoundCloud page and be on the lookout for his long awaited Mixtape. In his pictures he is wearing the Pyramid in the Sky shirt, check it out HERE.

Jovi Portrait 3 Jovi Portrait 1

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