Spotlight #3 : Bishop

Bishop_Basement copyBishop, an artist out of the cleveland area, is the 3rd spotlight for Manipulator Clothing. Bishop has done a lot of work with the group W.O.W which stands for Wisdom Over Wishes, which they all have progressed well together in. He has been lately doing a lot of work on his own reaching out to other areas of work, including acting, imrpov and expanding his own personal goals. Even with that being said Bishop has time to focus on his career in music. With his latest release of I wish he really out did himself. The song I Wish talks about how he wishes he was a kid again, and relates back to times when he was growing up. Since the song talks about a lot of times when he was a kid, it is hard not to relate to some of the times when you were a kid yourself, making it a song where you don’t mind hitting replay on it once or twice. With the release of his last song, I Wish, Bishop released a music video to go along with the song that I personally enjoyed very much. If you wanna keep up with Bishop and his future endeavor follow him on his Twitter, Facebook, and Bandcamp.

Here is the video to his latest release I Wish.


If you like what you hear you can download his song I wish below!

Bishop is wearing the Pyramid in the Sky shirt which can be purchased HERE!

Bishop_Grafitti_Close copy


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