Spotlight #4 : Neiko

Neiko4 Neiko, the 4th spotlight for Manipulator Clothing, is an upcoming artist out of Berea, Ohio. Neiko, a rapper, has already released two mixtapes which are conveniently named Neiko World 1 and Neiko World 2. He is currently working on Neiko World 3, which will have his song On Fire Remix. Neiko trys to keep it creative, with some old school vibes and witty rhymes. By remixing songs that got him into rapping he can put his own twist on it, by being influenced by the previous artist. Influenced by Slick Rick and other southern rap artists Neiko doesn’t run out of things to say and carries each song to it’s full potential. You can keep in touch with Neiko on his twitter page and keep up on his music on his Reverbnation page.

Check out his song On Fire Remix posted below, download it as well so you can listen to it everywhere you go! Neiko is sporting the Triangulate shirt which can be purchased HERE.

