Spotlight #5 : T.H.C



The 5th Spotlight for Manipulator Clothing is the group T.H.C! T.H.C consists of Ether and Codeine out of Cleveland, Ohio. They both were born in different states but they met in Cleveland, so that is the city that made it possible for them to come together and create what they have now. Influenced by Hip-hop, life and from their name you can guess that weed has a lot of influence in their music as well.   After listening to there latest mixtape F.U.C.K, standing for Fucked Up City Kids, they have also some rock influences in some of the songs they create as well. You can see the rock influence in the second track off the mixtape called I.D.G.A.F. They have been working on what they have now for four years now and have released 8 mix-tapes so far. Studio music is not their only way of getting their music out, they have a very strong live performance as well. Playing a lot of shows around the Cleveland area and also going on a week long Midwest tour. Keep a look out for some of the upcoming shows and the upcoming album Fear n Loathing in Cleveland. Keep up with T.H.C on their website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.


THC5The song we have for T.H.C is called Girls that will be on the upcoming album Fear n Loathing in Cleveland. With clever rhymes and smoothness from both Keith and Cody they deliver the versus top notch. One of the most interesting parts of the songs is they take the Beastie Boys song Girls and use a part of the song as their hook in their own way. Check it out and also download it from the page below.


Check out both of the shirts they are rocking HERE.